Concrete mattresses protect the slope and bottom of the new port and quay.

The customer's challenge

Protect against erosion at new port

PEAB was commissioned by SCA Logistics to build a new container port in Sundsvall. Concrete mattresses will be used to protect slopes and bottoms from erosion, in part to create a slope that is much easier to pile through.

Betongmadrass i slänt i ny hamn.
Byggarbetsplats av en ny hamn och kaj.
Our solution

Three different designs

In total, about 10,000 square meters of concrete mattresses in three different designs were used. 250 piles were measured and embedded in Tecomatic concrete mattresses.

In the wave and splash zone, a uniformly thick mattress, UCS 200, was installed, which is a heavy, stronger and dense mattress to withstand the force of the water.

A filter point mattress, FP240, was installed along the entire slope. The filter point mattress is concrete-saving below the water surface and creates an even pressure by allowing water to pass through the filter points of the mattress.

On the bottom, we installed a block mattress, Block 420, which is a heavier mattress where you especially want to protect against flowing water that can arise from propellers, among other things. Concrete mattresses ensure that even finer materials do not pass through any voids and that underlying materials are not washed away.

Facts and figures

Drönarbild över byggnation av SCA kajen i Sundsvall.

Contact us

Torbjörn Svensson

Business Area Manager Erosion Control

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