Marine casting

Marine casting with lightweight concrete or foam concrete.

Erosion-proofing quays and piers with lightweight concrete

In order to minimize subsidence and landslides or repair erosion damage to, for example, a pier or quay, we at Tecomatic can perform marine castings. By using lightweight concrete or foam concrete, we keep down and reduce the weight of the structure to be repaired.

We grout a concrete that has a density of as little as 600 kg/cubic meter. The lightweight concrete is produced in a mixer where a dosing pump mixes in air and creates pores/foam to adjust the volume and weight.

Marin gjutning med lätt betong eller skumbetong

The benefits of marine castings

  • Minimizes the risk of subsidence and landslides
  • Keeps down and reduces dead weight
  • Can replace the need for rebuilding
  • Can be performed even in sub-zero temperatures

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