Container systems & precipitation dust

Save both operating and construction costs compared to a compact plant of equivalent power.

Container systems and precipitation dust

With Tecomatic’s container system and precipitation dust, you can save around 50% in both operating and construction costs compared to a compact plant of equivalent power. Our complete system consists of a container-based solution combining coarse separation and precipitation.

The precipitation step can advantageously be done using aluminum-based precipitants. Iron chlorides also have good properties, usually together with a polymer (e.g. AVR, PAX-21 and PAX-XL60).

Med Tecomatics containersystem och fällningsdamm
Vi specialbygger vattenreningscontainrar

We build according to your needs

We customize water treatment containers according to your needs. The choice of the different treatment steps is then developed together based on the specific need and situation.

Common treatment steps may include pressurized filters, sedimentation, flocculation, flotation, aeration, reverse osmosis, PH adjustment and lamella sedimentation.

The advantages of our container systems

Precipitation pond

With Tecomatic’s precipitation pond, you can save around 80% in both operating and construction costs compared to a compact plant of equivalent effect.

Our complete system consists of a container-based solution where coarse separation and precipitation can be combined thanks to Tecomatic’s floating walls. This system can be advantageously combined with our aerators.

The benefits of our precipitation ponds
Med Tecomatics fällningsdamm kan du spara ca 80 %

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