Skanska - New Slussen

Skanska and the City of Stockholm are protecting the Slussen area and Mälardalen from erosion.

The customer's challenge

Increased water flow and risk of erosion damage

The redevelopment of the Slussen area in Stockholm has been ongoing for some time. Tecomatic is working on erosion protection in several parts of the area and in Mälardalen. One of the reasons for rebuilding Slussen is that the water level, and therefore the risk of flooding, is too high.

The water level in Lake Mälaren is regulated by canals and sluices at several locations in Stockholm and Södertälje. In Slussen, two large drainage canals with two drainage hatches will be built to allow larger amounts of water to be discharged from Lake Mälaren to the Baltic Sea, which means that almost five times as much water will be able to be discharged from Lake Mälaren to the Salt Lake. This means that the risk of flooding is drastically reduced throughout the Mälardalen valley, but also that the high water flow creates erosion, which can destroy the bottom, bridge supports, quays and foundations and pollute the water.

Read more about the project on the City of Stockholm website.

Tecomatic i Slussen, Stockholm

The redevelopment of the Slussen area in Stockholm has been going on for a long time.

Tecomatic performs, on behalf of Skanska and the City of Stockholm, a number of installations of erosion protection in the Slussen area and Mälardalen. Watch a video of the work at Slussen.

Our solution

Mattresses filled with climate-enhanced concrete

The redevelopment of Slussen is being carried out with climate adaptation in about 100 years’ time, which places high demands on sustainable erosion protection. Tecomatic installs so-called block mattresses, which are divided into concrete blocks and between the blocks there are pads. The pads ensure that the protection remains even if the bottom conditions change, as the mattress is designed in a way that allows the concrete to crack.
Tecomatic mattresses are made of woven polyester filled with Skanska’s climate-enhanced concrete. This concrete contains a high proportion of slag, which replaces some of the cement, thus halving carbon dioxide emissions. The consistency of the pulp is different, but at the same time we get a more sustainable and climate-friendly product. Water is the best environment for concrete, as it stays moist and is not oxygenated.
Slussen is crossed by several bridges – Centralbron, Tunnelbanebron and Guldbron. Here, Tecomatic has installed concrete mattresses that effectively prevent material around bridge supports from being washed away, which would otherwise risk weakening the bridge structure.

Concrete mattresses in several locations in the Mälardalen region

The increased water levels and water flows that will be created when the entire Slussen is completed place high demands on erosion protection, not only in the Slussen area but in the entire Mälardalen region.

Even larger ferries and their propellers have a major impact on quays and ports. Off Ekerö and Slagsta, Tecomatic has installed concrete mattresses to protect these quays.

We have also installed concrete mattresses outside Vällingby and Hässelby to protect cables running along the seabed from abrasion.

Upon completion of the project, Tecomatic will have installed concrete mattresses consisting of approximately 65,000 square meters of textile and 9,300 cubic meters of climate-enhanced concrete:

Betongmadrasser på flera

Facts and figures

Contact us

Torbjörn Svensson

Business Area Manager Erosion Control

Jonas Andersson Lavås

Production manager

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