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Low-flow dredging in Öljaren gives clear results – project extended

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Since 2021, Tecomatic has been involved in a project in Katrineholm municipality where we use a unique method to low-flow dredging and counteract eutrophication in Lake Öljaren. Fortunately, it has shown clear improvements and created better conditions for wildlife. As a result, they now want to continue the project and have found funding for another 1.5 years.

The low-flow dredging is an innovative technique where we have constructed a unique pontoon that sucks up the top layer of sediment, which in this case contains nutrients. Today we have sucked up almost 100 tons of sediment in Öljaren, which has been dewatered and will now be spread as nutritious fertilizer on the fields.

The project has attracted considerable national and international attention. The challenge of eutrophic lakes and dead bottoms is creating great interest in the unique method and Katrineholm municipality has received almost 100 study visits.

Drone image of a pontoon dredging in Öljaren.
Drone image of Öljaren and pontoon dredging low flow.

In a feature by SVT Sörmland, Jenny Herbertsson, environmental strategist/water coordinator in Katrineholm municipality, talks about the results. Per Palmgren, operator Tecomatic, shows in the feature how the technology works.

Watch the feature and read the article here: After unique method against eutrophication – clear improvements in Lake Öljaren.

In a previous feature, Mikael Strand, Project Manager Water Treatment, explains more about how the method works: Eutrophic lake provides nutrients to arable land in Katrineholm.

Read more about the project here: Low flow dredging improves water quality.

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