Environmental curtain - Silt curtain
Tecomatic’s environmental curtain allows you to enclose work areas where there is a risk of poisoning.
Preventing the spread of poison
Water works, such as dredging and excavation in contaminated ports, lakes and slopes, are subject to strict requirements to ensure that contaminated materials and turbidity do not spread to surrounding waters.
With Tecomatic’s environmental curtain, you can effectively enclose work areas where there is a risk of toxicity. The moving masses are filtered through the environmental curtain and only water passes through the curtain and the environmentally hazardous substances remain within the restricted area.
The environmental curtain acts as a frame for the work area and prevents the spread of turbidity and contaminated materials.
The environmental curtain can also be called a silt curtain, silt screen, protective screen, bilge, floating bilge, impermeable screen and dredge curtain.
Tecomatics siltgardiner kan även användas för att skydda kylvattenintag vid grumlande arbeten. Våra siltgardiner är en effektiv lösning som säkerställer att kylvattenintag vid olika industrier inte får för höga turbiditetsvärden. Att behöva stänga av ett vattenintag på grund av grumling kan leda till betydande ekonomiska konsekvenser. Därför är Tecomatics expertis och anpassade lösningar avgörande för att förebygga kostsamma avbrott.
We ensure a fast and smooth process
Environmental curtains are always sewn to order and then installed on the project in question. This ensures a fast and smooth process while allowing us to quality assure both production and installation.
We rent and deliver fully finished environmental curtains to the workplace that can be launched immediately. The advantage is that we minimize the time and requirements for large areas for assembly on site. We sew and assemble floating tubes and chains indoors in our production facilities to ensure the high quality of our eco-curtains where weather conditions do not interfere with production. The floating pipes are Styrofoam-filled unsinkable PE pipes.
We also provide solutions where the customer installs their own floats and weights in the sewn environmental curtain.
Flera användningsområden
Tecomatics innovativa lösningar skapar ständigt nya användningsområden för våra produkter.
Bland annat kan våra siltgardiner även användas som filter i dammar för att hindra att partiklar från näringsämnen och organsikt material följer med nedströms ut till recipient och skapar övergödning. De kan även nyttjas som ett extra filter i dammar när man tömmer sediment då det kan grumla extra mycket.
Ett annat användningsområde är slamfälla. Slamfällan fungerar som ett grumlingsskydd när man vid byggen måste avlägsna grumligt eller slammigt vatten. Slamfällan ramar in området där man tömmer byggvatten och sedimenten stannar då innanför fällan.
The benefits of Tecomatic's environmental curtains
- Highly skilled and experienced full-service supplier of eco-curtains
- Each solution is tailor-made in our 1,800 sqm production facilities in Kalmar.
- Quality, strength and permeability are customized according to requirements and specifications.
- Vi återanvänder våra flytkroppar och kätting för att erbjuda en så hållbar lösning som möjligt
- Extra strong industrial thread and double stitching ensure best results
- Choose between woven or needle-felted geoducts depending on the density and strength the project requires.
- Geoduct with base fabric provides an extra strong canvas for water works with large water movements and external stresses.
- Rapid final assembly
Customer solutions
Skanska - New Slussen
The redevelopment of the Slussen area in Stockholm has been ongoing for some time. Tecomatic is working on erosion protection in several parts of the area and in Mälardalen. One of the reasons for rebuilding Slussen is that the water level, and therefore the risk of flooding, is too high.
Merab (Mellanskånes Renhållnings AB) operates a waste facility and recycling center at Rönneholms mosse. The site also has three landfills, two closed and one active.
Baltic Offshore
Baltic Offshore was commissioned by Ellevio to install 420 kV (kilovolt) HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) cable and in connection with this protect Beckomberga-Bredäng.
Recycling industry
A customer in the recycling industry who, among other things, is engaged in the recycling of metals in southern Sweden needs sediment discharge in one of its treatment ponds.
Nacka municipality
Järlasjön is Nacka's largest lake and very important for outdoor recreation in the municipality, but despite reduced emissions from industries and households in the surrounding area, the water quality of the lake is threatened by poorly treated stormwater.
Contact us today
Our technical sales representatives and product specialists will help you find the best solution for your project.